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Admission guidance through Management Quota/NRI in Top Engineering Colleges of
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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Abhinav Hi-Tech College of Engineering Admission guidance 2016

About Abhinav Hi-Tech College of Engineering, Hyderabad :-

Abhinav Hi-Tech College of Engineering, Hyderabad was established in 2002 as a Nonminority Institution. It was formerly known as Hi-Tech College of Engineering & Technology. The college is approved by AICTE and affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru technological University, Hyderabad. It has been managed by Hi-Tech Educational Society.The Vision is to become a nationally and internationally leading institution for higher learning, building upon the culture and the values of universal science and contemporary education and a center of research and education generating the knowledge and the technologies which lay the groundwork in shaping the future in the field of Electronics and Communications Engineering.

About AHTCE BCA Course :-

BCA(Bachelor of Computer Applications) is a 3-year undergraduate programme. The course is designed to bridge the gap between IT industries and institutes by incorporating the latest developments into the curriculum.It is extended over six semesters.

About AHTCE B.E/B.Tech Course :-

Civil Engineering (CE)
Computer Science & Engg (CSE)
Electrical & Electronics Engg (EEE)
Electronics & Comm. Engg (ECE)
Information Technology (IT)
Machanical Engineering (ME)

About AHTCE BCA Course :-

BCA(Bachelor of Computer Applications) is a 3-year undergraduate programme. It is extended over six semesters. The course is designed to bridge the gap between IT industries and institutes by incorporating the latest developments into the curriculum.

Admission Details of AHTCE Hyderabad :-

A Candidate for admission to the four-year degree course in Engineering must have passed the Intermediate examination of the Board of Intermediate Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optional subjects, or any other 10+2 level examination recognized by the Board of Intermediate as equivalent thereto.The admission to the B.Tech. course, under “Category A” seats, is through a State-Level Entrance Test called "Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Medical Common Entrance Test" (EAMCET), conducted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
70% of the seats under "Category A" are filled by the Convener of EAMCET based on the rank secured in EAMCET and as per the rules of reservation in force.
Fees for "Category A" seats: Rs.43,900/- per annum from the academic year 2013-14.30% of the seats under "Category B" are filled by the Management based on the guidelines issued by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh from time to time.
Fees for "Category B" seats: Rs.43,900/- per annum from the academic year 2013-14.

Infrastructure for AHTCE :-

  • Library
  • Laboratories
  • Class Rooms
  • Workshop
  • Internet
  • Canteen                                  
  • Sports
  • Transportation

Contact-+91- 89047 23394  for Engineering, BE,, B.Arch, ME, , MBBS, MD, MS, BDS,  MBA, PGDM, MMS, PGPM, MFM, M.COM  UG/ PG Professional courses Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India
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Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..
Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 8904723394

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