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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University Admission guidance 2016

About Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad

The University was renamed as Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University on November 7th 1996 in honour and memory of an outstanding Parliamentarian Acharya N.G. Ranga, who rendered remarkable selfless service for the cause of farmers and is regarded as an outstanding educationist, kisan leader and freedom fighter.The importance of the application of Science and Technology for Agricultural development was realized as early as in the beginning of century. Among the several commissions appointed for suggesting steps to streamline agriculture development, the Royal Commission (1926) emphasized the need for a strong research base for agricultural development. Subsequently, the recommendations of the Radhakrishnan Commission (1949) on University Education led to the establishment of Rural Universities for the overall development of agriculture and rural life in the country. Later, the Government of India constituted the First Joint Indo-American Team (1955) that studied the status and future needs of agricultural education in the country.

About ANGRAU B.Sc Course:-

B.Sc Stand for Bachelor of Science.The Bachelor of Science is a versatile degree that provides students with the optimal balance between a defined sequence of study and flexible course options.Typically it is a 3 years Course.Courses in B.Sc are Computer science,Mathematics, Physics,Chemistry,Bio Chemistry Science,BioTechnology Science,Botany Science,Home Science,Library SCience,Zoology SCience,Immunology,Nursing and Related Courses,Electronics,Applied Chemistry,Hotel Management,Hotel & Catering Management,Information Technology,Fashoin Design,Textile Design,Interior Design,Physics-Chemistry-Maths,Physics-Chemistry-Biology.

Admission Details of ANGRAU Hyderabad:-

The students who have passed S.S.C or equivalent exam and those who are residing in rural areas are eligible. The student must have studied atleast for 4 years during the period of first to tenth class schools located in rural areas (non-municipal area). The candidate should obtain 55% marks (excluding Hindi). In case SCs and STs categories the candidate should obtain at least 45% of marks. Medium of instruction for all the Polytechnic courses is Telugu.

Infrastructure for ANGRAU:-

  • Class rooms
  • Laboratories
  • Library
  • Housing faculty
  • Hotels
  • Sports Complex
  • Guest House
  • Health Clinics
  • Workshops
  • Auditorium

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Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 8904723394

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