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Admission guidance through Management Quota/NRI in Top Engineering Colleges of
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Tuesday, 5 April 2016

H.V.P. Mandals College Of Engineering & Technology , Maharashtra(Admission guidance 2016)

About H.V.P. Mandal's College Of Engineering & Technology, Amravati

The Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal’s Documentary Film Was Release on 14 Sept 2012 at the hands of Honorable Padmashree Prabharakarrao Vaidya(Ho. Gen. Secretary). Dr. S.V.Saodekar (Vice President) , Dr. S.H.Deshpande(Honorary Treasurer), Dr.Shrikant Chendke(Director HVPM COET) Smt. Madhuri S. Chendke(Secretary), Shri. V.H.Harne(Director DCPE), Sh. Ravindra Khandekar, Adv. Shri. Kishore H Deshpande,Dr.A.B.Marathe(Principal HVPM COET), Dr Sharma(Principal DCPE) were the other dignitaries present for the release function.
The film showcases the history of the HVPM, Mandal’s Work in sports, various social and Educational Field. Dr.Shrikant Chendke along with shri kashikar and shri Rathi has played an instrumental role in making the documentary.
The college of engineering and technology was established in the year 2002-2003 and is Affiliated to Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University,Amravati.The college is approved by AICTE, DTE and Maharashtra Government.

About HVPMCOET B.E/B.Tech Course:-

The Bachelor of Engineering commonly abbreviated as (B.Eng) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded to a student after three to five years of studying engineering at university or college.B.E/B.Tech Includes
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Information Science & Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Telecommunication Engineering
Civil Engineering

Admission Details of HVPMCOET Amravati:-

Selection of Candidate should be 10+2 pass or Intermediate.

Infrastructure for HVPMCOET:-

  • Library
  • Computer center
  • Placement

HVPMCOET Placements Companies:-

To Develop Employability Attributes of students
To Provide Training for English Communication, Soft Skills & Aptitude as curriculum for Engineering and Management Graduates
To Make Aware & Trained in latest available technology in the field of ENTC, CSE, IT and Management through regularly organizing
Guest Lectures
Industry Expert talks Personally or Remotely
Technical Workshops
Summer and Winter Internship Programs
Online Global Certification Examinations
To Conduct Placement Drives and Pool Campuses for recruitment
To develop Entrepreneurial Skill in Engineering Graduates
To foster the Industry – Institute Alliance
To Coordinate with Alumni Association of H.V.P.M. College of Engineering & Technology, Amravati
To execute activities Under Skill Sharpening School (S Cube): - A HVPM’s effort to improve employability Skills of Engineering fraternity in Amravati City

Contact-+91- 89047 23394  for Engineering, BE,, B.Arch, ME, , MBBS, MD, MS, BDS,  MBA, PGDM, MMS, PGPM, MFM, M.COM  UG/ PG Professional courses Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India
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Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..
Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 8904723394

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